10% Off Full Interior House Painting Services

For a limited time, receive 10% off when you book a full interior house painting service with House Painting Triforce!

This offer includes ceilings, walls, and trim for any room in your home.

Whether you're updating a single room or refreshing your entire home, our professional Dallas painters are here to provide professional house painting service.

Valid Dates

The seasonal deal on house painting is valid from September 8, 2024 to December 31, 2024. Book your appointment today to take advantage of this great deal!

Breakdown of our House Painting Seasonal Cost

  1. Power Washing: $190.00

    • This is generally within the typical range for small to medium-sized areas. Power washing can range from $0.08 to $0.35 per square foot, so depending on the area being cleaned.
  2. Front Door painting: $250.00

    • Front Door painting costs typically range from $200 to $500 depending on the door type and materials. 
  3. Repair of Water-Damaged Areas in Ceiling: $250.00
    1. Ceiling repairs often cost between $200 and $500, depending on the size and severity
  4. Nail Hole Repair: $150.00

    • Nail hole repairs typically cost $50 to $200, depending on the number of holes and overall labor. This is reasonable.
  5. Odor Blocking Primer Application: $200

    • Odor-blocking primer can range from $1 to $3 per square foot. For an average room, 
  6. Ceiling Painting (1 Coat Eggshell or Flat): $1,100.00

    • Painting costs typically range from $1.50 to $4 per square foot. Depending on the size of the ceiling area, this price can be fair but on the higher end.
  7. Wall Painting (1 Coat Eggshell or Flat): $1,100.00

    • Similar to ceiling painting, wall painting ranges from $2 to $6 per square foot. 
  8. Door Painting (Both Sides & Frames): $500.00

    • Painting doors and frames can range from $200 to $500. This price is typical, especially if detailed work is involved.
  9. Baseboard Removal, Installation, Re-Caulk, and Paint: $450.00

    • Baseboard installation costs range from $5 to $9 per linear foot. This price seems reasonable, depending on the size of the area.
  10. Kitchen Cabinet Painting: $450.00

    • Kitchen cabinet painting generally ranges from $2 to $10 per square foot of cabinet space. This seems reasonable for a small to medium kitchen.


 includes a variety of services, including labor, materials, and prep work. Based on the breakdown:

  • Painting (walls, ceiling, doors, and baseboards) is another substantial part of the cost (around $3,150).


This overall pricing is to be consistent with the market rates for the services provided. Certain tasks, like ceiling and wall painting, are priced at the higher end of the spectrum, while others, are notably lower.

fairness can depend on factors such as the quality of materials, the size of the area being serviced, and the complexity of the work. 

Prep Your Home for the Holidays with Professional Interior Painting!



  • Eco-friendly, low-odor paints ensure a quick, hassle-free process—no lingering paint smells during your celebrations.
  • Get your home holiday-ready in just a week! Our team works efficiently to complete your painting project on time.
  • 90% of our clients notice increased home value and a fresher, brighter feel after a professional paint job.

Limited-Time Holiday Offer:


  • Complimentary color consultation to help you choose the perfect shades for a cozy, festive home.
  • Bonus Gutter Cleaning, or Window Caulking resealing

This season, let your home sparkle with beautifully painted walls that set the tone for holiday cheer. Call us today to schedule your free estimate and get ready to welcome guests into a freshly painted home!

Your Exterior Home Painting Near Me Search is over!

Why Choose Us for Your Holiday Makeover?

Is your home ready to impress this holiday season?

With our expert interior painting services, you can give your space a fresh, festive look in time for family gatherings and celebrations.

Repaint interior walls in your Home before the holidays

  • Transform your house into a welcoming home with interior wall paint, providing the ideal backdrop for your holiday decor and enchanting your guests.
vibrant colors for your home during these holidays
  • Book us for a painting job before Novermber 20, 2024

  • and receive [25% discount] on your interior painting job project.